
Lando also provides wrapper commands called lando pull and lando push.

With lando pull you can import data and download files from your remote site. With lando push you can do the opposite, export data or upload files to your remote site.


lando pull

Pull db and files from Lagoon

  --help          Shows lando or delegated command help if applicable
  --verbose, -v   Runs with extra verbosity
  --auth          Lagoon key
  --database, -d  The environment from which to pull the database
  --files, -f     The environment from which to pull the files
# Interactively pull databases and files
lando pull

# Import the remote database and files from the main environment
lando pull -d main -f main

# Effectively "do nothing"
lando pull --database none --files none


lando push

Push db and files to Lagoon

  --help          Shows lando or delegated command help if applicable
  --verbose, -v   Runs with extra verbosity
  --auth          Lagoon key
  --database, -d  The environment to which the database will be pushed
  --files, -f     The environment to which the files will be pushed
# Interactively push databases and files
lando push

# Export the local database and files to the main environment
lando push -d main -f main

# Effectively "do nothing"
lando push --database none --files none